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Prosperity Now Scorecard How-To Video

Tools: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator


The non-profit, Prosperity Now, needed an explainer video to go with their new product – Scorecard. Their partners needed to understand how this new thing would fit into their goals if it was to be a success.


The goals of this project were:

  • Create a video explaining the the product to new and returning partners.
  • Show how it pertains to individuals and how they can access it.
  • Highlight how it can help close the racial wealth divide.


I was the multimedia designer for Prosperity Now. I was responsible for stringing the video together, making sure the audio is easy to hear and adding in any extra animation to help bring the video to life.


The Steps

01 Research & Empathise

Company Research

For this project, I looked through videos that had been made by the company before in order to see how they would want me to tackle this next project.

02 Define the Problem

The problem was that they had a new product that would be a great value to their new and current partners. However, without a way to con vey that to them the product would fail.


Initial Thoughts

To get ideas flowing and to explain my concept to my supervisors I storyboarded what I intended for the video to look like as it moved from screen. This is the model I use as I make the high-fidelity video.

Initial Video Storyboard

Asset Collection

In this project I was responsible for collecting the assets for the explainer. I captured the Scorecard demo, created any necessary animations, found the background audio and got someone to read the dialogue that was put in the video. Throughout projects like this, that have so many moving parts, it is important that you know what is going on in every section.

Visual Research: Colour

The colours I chose were the brand colours for Prosperity Now: red and yellow with the colour associated with the Scorecard product: teal.

Colour Style Guide

Visual Research: Typography

Museo Sans is used throughout the entire design since it is the brand font. Its also gave me access to a variety of weights to use.

04 Animation

At this point I combine the individual pieces into a cohesive video that is timed to make the best use of the soundtrack. I then add any static elements or animations onto that. Lastly, typography helps to complete the effect.

05 Handoff & Revise

During this process the draft that I produce is reviewed by my supervisors and other company stakeholders so that the final product is what they are envisioning. Then I make the necessary revisions to create the final product as shown at the top of the page.



Outcome & Lessons Learned
In the end, I created a video that is informative and impactful. What I learned through this was how to juggle many different things. At the end of the day, I was the one responsible for the video, audio, animation and graphic design that the project required.

Final Thoughts
Designing this video was an informative experience. I had created explainer videos in the past but this one far exceeded them in terms of scope.

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